Thursday, June 12, 2008

Points to Ponder

So for the first time in a long time I have had a thought I believe is random enough to share on the round up.

Today as I drove to work I noticed something interesting. It was a container of sorts made of a wood pallet for a base and some kind of chicken wire type stuff which created the sides. The container was about 3 ft from end to end and maybe 2 ft tall and 2 ft wide. And the whole thing was shrink wrapped in plastic, leading me to believe this had been purchased and delivered. Inside this container were rocks about the size of footballs. But the container was on the small side and the rocks only went about half way up. And here is where we get random…

Who needs just a few rocks? What the heck can you do with a few rocks? In my experience, if you need rocks enough to buy them you need a lot of rocks- like for a driveway or a Wall of China. When have you ever only needed a few rocks for something?

Points to ponder.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So the other day I was in Target picking up some big girl underpants for my genius potty training daughter when I hear this loud booming voice start singing, “Oh Baby, You. You got what I need…” (You know, the Biz Markee song- I don’t know if that is how you spell it) The voice was coming up on my right fast and my first thought was I kind of jumped cuz I was startled. And then I thought, “Why the hell is someone singing at me in Target.” But my next thought (and granted, all three of these thoughts happened in pretty rapid succession) was, “Hey, Todd must be here.” So I whipped my head around, fully expecting to see my really good friend Todd standing there singing at me and it turned out to be some guy singing to his baby.

Here’s the thing. I love it that I have a friend with whom I have such an absurd and wonderful relationship that when random strangers start singing loudly in a store, I almost instantly assume it is normal and get excited.

It is in these moments that we appreciate our friends and realize life is good.