So I suck. I haven't felt blogtabulous in a while. I have honestly been in over my head with having my daughter at work. Just one more week and we go on vacation and when we get back, she goes into pre-school. Then, I should stop feeling like I want to hide under a mossy rock, sipping gimlets and mumbling to myself. Promise after vakay to reinvigorate the old round up. Be patient (all 4 of you)...I shall return.
Though I am about to update, I too have been slacking in the blogosphere. Don't feel bad. Guess what- we will be in Austin at the same time. Renee said she is going to meet up with me for a slumber party- Are you up for it? I will be there with Claire (no Paul) and Renee will be husbandless. You are officially invited to a slumber party, daughter and husband (if he'll be there) included.
Don't worry. I too have been sucking in the blog dept. Maybe there are just bloggy times and non-bloggy times. I still don't know exactly when Jen will be in Austin, and Greg will be on this weird schedule of 3 weeks out of town and one weekend in town, so if it is one of those one weekends when he is here, I may not be able to come to the slumber party. Also, there is other stuff going on, but I will have to blog about that later when I'm feeling bloggy enough.
when will you guys be in Austin? I will be in and out over the course of my time in Texas. Let me know. We leave on the 30th, but I will really only be truly available (as they say)the 11th, 12th and 13th. It would be cool (and bizarre at the same time) to see you guys. I recently got out the photo album and showed my husband pictures of us from high school. My gosh, how could that possibly have been so long ago?
when will you guys be in Austin? I will be in and out over the course of my time in Texas. Let me know. We leave on the 30th, but I will really only be truly available (as they say)the 11th, 12th and 13th. It would be cool (and bizarre at the same time) to see you guys. I recently got out the photo album and showed my husband pictures of us from high school. My gosh, how could that possibly have been so long ago?
Claire and I will be there from July 1 - July 12/13. Tight sqeeze with your schedule, but I think we can make it work. It will be "the most fun" :) !
I feel compelled to say that "sucking" is a purely relative term as perceived by the individual (speaking of course from a purely paternal perspective as one who finds you ever my heroine in all things)
Love your blog, by the way.
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