So today I am going to be obsessed with Kool-Aid pickles. I read something about them online and now I really want to make them. Who thinks of these things? Thank goodness they do because then I can be alternately horrified and yet drawn to them. This is apparently how you make them. “To make a Kool-Aid pickle, dump out half of the brine in the pickle jar and refill it with your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid (preferably Jamaica, because it makes them nice and red.) Wait a few days. Enjoy” Here is a picture of what it is supposed to look like when finished 

I guess this blog must be listed as to be continued…because I probably won’t get to the store for the Kool-Aid and pickles till Saturday and then I have to wait for DAYS for the pickles to be truly Kool-Aid-A-Licious. I envision myself discovering a new taste sensation and handing out jars of primary colored pickles to my friends for Christmas with matching gingham fabric covers on the lid so they look like they came from a state fair or something.

Beware my friends. It could be a Kool-Aid Christmas.

But until then...
Oh my Gawd! Where did you find that? Well, I can't wait to hear how it turns out. I can't really even imagine what that is supposed to taste like, but the red pickle looks pretty cool.
I am commenting on your pickle comment on my blog. I don't exactly know how the line of blog communication goes. maybe I am supposed to answer back as a comment on my blog. Will do that next time. Anyway, here is the link to the kool-aid pickle article:
(I recommented here)
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