Today I did one of those things you say you won’t do and then you do it anyway. I am so bad about that. And I was so proud of myself for sticking to my guns and not doing what I said I wouldn’t do. What did I do you ask…Well, I kind of have this thing about getting gifts. I blame my mother (don’t we all), she always brought us some little something from anywhere she went and suddenly gifts=love. So no gifts=no love. My husband has a father who goes Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve afternoon and waltzes into the house carrying the present in the bag for the store he bought it from (right in front of my mother-in-law). Not so much thought goes into the gift. You get what is there and is not inappropriate. My husband picked up some of this, coupled with a total lack of need for gifts on his own part. Needless to say, I often have this total Casie-style (and anyone who knows me can feature this) melt down right before a holiday or special occasion when I can just tell he has bought no gift, nor has he made any plans. I just freak on him. So he says I never give him a chance. So for Mother’s Day I was going to be so adult and not freak out on him. And I swore I wasn’t waiting things out just to give him enough rope to hang himself with and then today…My best friend invited us over for dinner on Mother’s Day. And I told her I had to check with William first in case he had made any of these wonderful plans that I just knew he had made. When I asked him if he wanted to go to her house, he said he was really tired because we have all been sick, but if I want to go I can and he will just stay home with Zelda. I snapped. I was mad. Not only had he clearly made no plans, but he didn’t even know Sunday was Mother’s Day and he thought I should just toddle off by myself while he stays home with the very little precious girl that makes me a mother. So I said (as calmly as I could), “Do you know what day Sunday is?” and he said, “Oh, it’s Mother’s Day.” And I said, “And clearly you have made no plans as usual.” And then I was quiet a lot and he said we could do whatever I wanted and that he had thought we would go to lunch at some place I like and I just said I have to go and bye. Whoops, I did exactly what I said I wouldn’t do. And now I feel bad because once again, I will never know if he would have surprised me with his thoughtfulness. Bah. My uterus produces a chemical that is trying to get me fired from humanity.
Don't worry, no one is going to fire you from humanity. It didn't sound like a true Casie-style melt down to me, just a valid question. Men just do not learn very quickly. I am more like him than you in the gift department, but even I would know better than to blow off Mother's Day. And being sick is NO EXCUSE. You don't get to take the day off from being a mother if you're sick. Duh... Still, I love your blog style. You still have the gift of making me laugh so hard I can't speak. Keep it up. You are doing WAY better than me at the blogging. (God, I'm sure your husband will now hate me forever for this comment...) Oh yeah, and I think in blogland the way to answer questions from a comment is to comment on your own post underneath the question. So I guess the person who asks the question just has to go back to the post to look for an answer. Kinda silly, but there it is. PS-You SHOULD make him baby sit on Mother's Day and then stay out all night long. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!
Oh yeah. LOVE that picture. Also, thanks for the link to that article.
Thank you for all the kudos. This is really fun for me. I had no idea what a creative outlet it would be. Although in a certain way I feel like a dork, because almost no one sees it. But maybe someday I will be wildly popular in like Fiji or something.
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