Well, it was a good weekend. I will get you up to speed by hitting the high points. Put husband and baby to bed by 9:30pm on Friday night and stayed up till 1:00am! (very late for these days, I mean practically insane) watching HGTV (joy) and finishing the felt doll I started working on this week (rapture- not the biblical kind where people disappear, but the so much fun I could do a jig kind). I didn’t actually finish the doll till Sunday, but here are the results.

I had to take roughly 1,875, 206 pictures to get this picture of Dolly and Zelda. The photo session consisted mainly of me holding the camera and trying to get Zelda to look up while my husband placed the doll in the chair at the last second and then Zelda (in the instant between me pressing the button and the actual flash) flinging Dolly across the room and then me trying to grab Dolly before Palmer (my Chihuahua with a penchant for the stuffed and cuddly) decided this was his new favorite toy for general evisceration fun. Getting this picture involved a clever application of the classic tune Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Saturday was generally domestic and boring. Sunday on the other hand was Mother’s Day. I must hereby absolve my husband of all Mother’s Day crimes because he was awesome! I got the most beautiful card and I got to go jewelry shopping. Jewelry tends to cleanse my mind of all past transgressions for months while I am lost in fit of sparkly bliss. I once again blame my mother (who also loves jewelry and passed this love onto me through years of me stealing hers). Here is a picture of my Mother’s Day booty.

And my hubby kept calling me Supermom all day long and telling the people in every jewelry store (because he was also sweet enough to let me try on every bit of jewelry in the mall although he hates shopping) how much I deserved jewels. I love that man. Even when I think he really doesn’t get me, He sooooooo gets me.
Let’s cap off Sunday with the news that the Kool-Aid pickles have been started. I will get back to you all (well all two of you who seem to read this blog- Thank you sister and Renee) within a week or so when they are ready. I promise pictures, of course.
Lastly, here is a picture of me and little Z for Mother’s Day 2007. Please disregard my giant looking pale legs (but I am too lazy to crop the picture).

Here we go, another week. I think I like this new blogging thing.
I'm glad you like blogging - I enjoy reading your blogs. It works out nicely.
And you do deserve jewels - so ENJOY! Happy Mom's Day, Sister!
Nice bling! I'm so glad you had a good Mother's Day after all. I love your little felt doll. It's very something I would expect to see in your house somewhere. Those pictures are totally worth the trouble it took to take them. I especially love the one of you and Zelda. So sweet. Seeing these pictures makes me want to drive out there and visit you. Your blog rocks, by the way. I'm pretty sure one day you'll be fairly famous in the blog world. Those pickles alone might do it. I can't wait to see how they come out...
Thanks! Now I feel all warm and squishy. I would love it if you came to visit. Any time you want.
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