So really what this blog is about is that it seems like every time I take a great picture, the person in the picture with me either closes their eyes, looks away, or sprouts devil horns and begins frothing at the mouth. The few times I actually take a picture I would display with pride, I can’t because the person with me looks like an idiot and then it would be clear that my only motive in displaying such a picture would be to showcase my own beauty, while mocking the misfortune of my friends and family.
And then, there are the pictures that my mother in law takes. I love my mother in law. She is actually one of the nicest people I have ever met. But everytime she takes a picture, I have to tell her that she may take the picture, but she may not frame the picture and display it in her home. Because she likes to take pictures of me with no make up on and my hair not done and blow them up to 8X10 and frame them in some really nice frame and put them up on the bookcase in the living room. I guess this is sort of the opposite of the other problems because someone else thinks I look great when I think I look like the aforementioned horned frothy mouthed guy.
I only mention this because I really liked the first two pictures of me. And also because by writing this blog, I get to display them anyway without any of the stigma attached to doing so. Because what happens in blog, stays in blog. Or something equally stupid and vaguely punny (perhaps pun-ish).
I win!